IE Team Shop powered by Marucci Locker Room

We are excited to announce that the IE Team Shop is now powered by Marucci Locker Room. The team store features IE branded apparel as well as Marucci equipment for some unbelievable deals.


All apparel is purchased from IE Baseball and will be available for pickup at the Inside Edge Baseball Academy. We are trying our best to have apparel available by Christmas, but we can not guarantee that it will be. IE branded apparel may not be available before Christmas.


The Inside Edge Locker Room features bats, fielding gloves, bags, batting gloves, helmets, and Marucci Vision glasses.

All equipment is purchased directly from Marucci Sports and will ship from Marucci.Delivery dates are based on the item purchased. See the Locker Room for more details. If you have any questions or problems with equipment items, please contact Marucci’s customer service department at

To order equipment, visit the IE Team Store powered Marucci Locker Room and follow these simple steps:

  1. Create an account by clicking “Need an account?” in the lower right corner.
  2. Enter your email address and then respond to the message from Marucci Sports.
  3. After registering, enter the store code: “InsideEdge”. Be sure to enter the name with no spaces and capital I and E.
  4. You will be taken to the online store.
  5. Order your desired items, pay, and enjoy your new items!

It’s free to create an account and explore the items for sale. You will only be charged for the items you order.