We asked Ben Lock, the first baseman and pitcher for 17u Red, to share a bit about his college recruiting experience, what it takes to score a 30 on the ACT (that’s really good, by the way), and what playing for Inside Edge has done from him. His answers didn’t disappoint!
Q: Tell us a little about yourself–where do you go to high school, what do you enjoy doing when you’re not on the field, favorite band, best vacation spot…all that “not baseball” stuff.
A: I’m a senior at Lee’s Summit High School. When I’m not on the field or studying, I like to take it easy and watch TV or listen to music. My favorite movie is Talladega Nights and I love watching reruns of The Office. As far as music goes, it’s all country, all the time. My favorite is a toss up between Zac Brown Band and Justin Moore.
My perfect (non-baseball) moment would be spending extended time at some beach, somewhere. There are no worries and every day is all about fun. As for a perfect baseball moment, I really want to come in during the bottom of the ninth to close the World Series. Set your sights high, right!?
You’ve had a great high school experience. Can you tell us a little about it?
A: High school has been good to me. But, it has also taken a lot of hard work. School work has always been relatively easy for me. Last year, things got real with college applications on the horizon. I hit the books hard and was able to score a 30 on the ACT. That was a big achievement for me, one that will hopefully get me into the college of my choosing.

I’ve had a great high school baseball experience, too. I’ve earned a spot on the Varsity team for the past 3 years. And last year, I led the team in extra-base hits and batting average. I’ve worked hard this offseason so I can hopefully add a few more accolades to the list.
This year, I’m also focused on picking the best college to attend. It seems that I spend time every day talking with different college recruiters. I’m considering pre-med so I can eventually become a doctor. I want to play baseball at college too, so that’s factoring into my decision.
Q: Wow. That sounds like a lot. Can you share how Inside Edge has helped you with the college process?
A: Absolutely. There are a lot of baseball options in Kansas City. When I picked IE 4 year ago, a few factors guided my decision. First, it’s close to home. It really helps when the facility is a 10-minute car ride away. Second, while IE is a relatively new organization, Todd and Coach Quantrill really stress the right aspects of the game. Both of them have taught me a lot of great things that I use every day. And Coach Q, in particular, taught me how to handle the mental aspect of the game and how to truly be a pitcher. Lastly, IE does a great job of getting us in front of the right scouts and college recruiters. Those lessons and opportunities have opened several doors for me, any one of which could lead to a great college for me.
Q: Those are tough questions. How about a couple of easy ones. Who’s your favorite baseball player of all time?
A: Bo Jackson
Q: And what about current ball player?
A: Clayton Kershaw.
Q: Favorite pro sports teams?
A: KC Royals, the Chiefs, and Toronto Maple Leafs.
Q: Favorite food?
A: It’s a toss up between chicken wings, cheeseburgers, and tacos. But, if I were stranded on an island and had to pick only one food, it’d definitely be cheeseburgers.
Q: What’s the best baseball advice you’ve ever been given?
A: I have to give props to Todd. To quote him: “Baseball is a marathon, people quit each year for different reasons if you want to be successful and love the game, then keep goin’.” Those words have kept me going the past 2 years. Thanks, Todd!

Q: Any advice for young IE players?
A: Take in advice from every coach you encounter and always practice to find what works for you. Coaches all have a different way of doing the same thing. It’s your job as a player to listen to them, learn what they are saying, and then determine how that lesson applies to your game. It’s a tough thing to do, but good coaches have a way of making it easy. Through all of it, just keep pushing, which is the moto that’s helped get me where I am today. That applies to everything, not just baseball.